Month: June 2018

  • Power BI and Sudoku – Yes Please

    Power BI and Sudoku – Yes Please

    This week Philip Seamark, an avid Power BI developer has released a joint project with PowerBI.Tips, a full Sudoku game in Power BI.  To be totally honest with you Phil did all the hard work, I just contributed the pretty background and provided some suggestions.  To learn more about how Phil build this amazing game within Power BI check out his blog post about it here.

    The Game

    If you want to play this Power BI file you can do so below:

    To play the Sudoku game in full screen use this link.

    Want the file:

    If you are interested in looking at this file to see how it works you can download the file using the link below.

    [product id=”18054″ ]

    Be sure to follow:

    If you like the content generated from PowerBI.Tips please follow me on all the social outlets to stay up to date on all the latest features and free tutorials.  Subscribe to me on YouTube.  Or follow me on the social channels, Twitter and LinkedIn where I will post all the announcements for new tutorials and content.

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  • Segmented Filtering with Slicers

    Segmented Filtering with Slicers

    This weeks tutorial focuses on the need to control groups of visuals independently.  This recently came up in a project where I needed to adjust all the items on the left side of the screen independently from the right side.  By using the Edit Interactions button found on the Format ribbon you are able to adjust how different visuals interact with each other.  Finally, adding multiple Slicers to the page for controls finishes out the report.  I hope you enjoy this weeks tutorial.


    On the demo page of the report you’ll notice that when various items are selected, some of the non-selected items dis-appear.  This is handled by using some formatting within the measures for the visuals.  All the measures used in this tutorial are listed below:

    Taking an Average of a Numerical Column:

    Average of Values = 
    VAR calc = AVERAGE( Data[Value] )
    RETURN if( calc = BLANK(), "", calc )

    Making Dynamic Titles off of a list of items in a table:

    Title = 
    VAR title = CONCATENATEX( VALUES( Data[Customer] ), Data[Customer], " & " )
    RETURN if( title = BLANK(), "", title )

    Producing a sum of values:

    Total of Values = 
    VAR calc = SUM( Data[Value] )
    RETURN if( calc = BLANK(), "", calc )

    Want the file:

    Need a little more help? Like the content from PowerBI.Tips.  Please consider purchasing the demo PBIX file to support more great content.

    [product id=”17894″ ]

    Be sure to follow:

    If you like the content generated from PowerBI.Tips please follow me on all the social outlets to stay up to date on all the latest features and free tutorials.  Subscribe to me on YouTube.  Or follow me on the social channels, Twitter and LinkedIn where I will post all the announcements for new tutorials and content.

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  • Data Table Filters

    Data Table Filters

    Hands down best feature this year to date, Data Table Filtering!  In the June 2018 Power BI Desktop Microsoft released the ability for you to navigate to the Data Table view.  While on this view drop down icons now appear which enable filtering of the Data Table.  This is super helpful when looking at the raw data that has been loaded into your data model.  Check out the video below to see how the feature works.

    Other Thoughts:

    For those of you who like Excel, and data tables in Excel, this feature will make you feel right at home within a pivot table type feel.  I hope you enjoy this month’s update as much as I did.  Thanks for stopping by.

    For the official documentation from Microsoft follow this link to the blog announcement.

    If you like the content generated from PowerBI.Tips please follow me on all the social outlets to stay up to date on all the latest features and free tutorials.

    Subscribe to me on YouTube.  Or follow me on the social channels, Twitter and LinkedIn where I will post all the announcements for new tutorials and content.

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