Tag: Guy in a Cube

  • Dynamic Filters in PowerBI

    Dynamic Filters in PowerBI

    This video talks about how to create custom links that apply report level filters.  This is super cool and provides a ton of wide flexibility when building drill down reports.  In this example Patrick talks to filtering a report based on a Sales Person (Lilly Code).  Great technique for drilling down into subsets of data within a report.  If implemented in correctly this will enhance the user experience.

    Dynamic filtering with PowerBI:

    In the above video Patrick has referred to a previous video done by Adam talking about report filters within the URL query string.  For convience I have linked the referred video below, so you can watch it all in one place.

    If you haven’t already make sure you go check out Adam’s site and YouTube Blog for more great information.

    For more great videos about Power BI click the image below:

    PBI Videos

  • Power BI Using Multiple User Accounts

    Power BI Using Multiple User Accounts

    Here is a super helpful video from Guy in a Cube about how to have multiple logins using Google Chrome.  Often I find my self juggling between a work account and my PowerBI.Tips accounts to test out various Power BI features.  This little trick definitely saves you time and headache when jumping between accounts.

    Side note: I also found this great technique works on Azure (portal.azure.com) if you frequent this site for work and for your other adventures.  

    This topic was originally talked about via James Callaghan and the Chris Webb’s Blog.

    Google talks about multiple logins here.  If you don’t already have google chrome you can download it here.

    Use multiple accounts in chrome:

    If you haven’t already make sure you go check out Adam’s site and YouTube Blog for more great information.

    For more great videos about Power BI click the image below:

    PBI Videos

  • Power BI Embedded Dashboard

    Power BI Embedded Dashboard

    For a while now I have been longing to spend more time learning all the ins and out of Power BI embedded.  From the line of work that I do, I can see a number of different development applications where an embedded solution would be perfect.  Microsoft has been spending more time developing and feature enhancing the embedded experience.  The Guy in a Cube (Adam Saxton) has another great video walking through how to embed a dashboard.  Great video, and a really good walk through.  Thanks Adam.

    Power BI Embedded Dashboards:

    If you haven’t already make sure you go check out Adam’s site and YouTube Blog for more great information.

    For more great videos about Power BI click the image below:

    PBI Videos

  • Intro to Guy In a Cube

    Intro to Guy In a Cube

    Kicking off my video series for PowerBI.Tips I have to give incredible props to Adam Saxton.  Adam is a Microsoft Employee who creates THE BEST content for PowerBI.  There are a lot of videos out on the internet that are interesting and helpful to learn from.  However, Adam takes it to another level.  The videos are relatively short and packed with useful information.  Below is the introduction video to Adam who is The Guy in a Cube.

    I will be definitely sharing more videos from Adam in the future!