Tag: Power BI Intro

  • Welcome to my Site

    Welcome to PowerBI.tips, this blog is dedicated to learning and developing visualizations for PowerBI desktop, PowerBI.com and for data modeling in excel.

    I’ve been a PowerBI user for almost two years.  My background is in mechanical engineering, and I’ve been migrating into a data analytics and data scientist role.  As a mechanical engineer part of your job is to develop a test, collect data, and summarize the results. In the collecting data phase engineers can collect gigs of data from sensors.  Thus, there is a need to digest that data into what I would call an executive summary.  I need to convey what I tested and did my device or product pass the tests.

    In the past I’ve used access to collect data and summarize. Then using connections or data extracts to excel to produce charts or summary visualizations.

    All of which brought me to where I am today.  I’ve had the technical know how of databases and excel but I lacked the complete tool to build repeatable data to visualization products. This is the perfect fit for PowerBI.

    This is why I’ve decided to share what I’ve learned about data and data visualization to help you get up to speed with the amazing PowerBI tools.

    Hope you enjoy my blog, Mike