
Thanks for stopping by the website. At PowerBI.Tips we aim to create helpful tools enabling you to make great reports. Check out the list of excellent tools that PowerBI.Tips has developed. From working with theme files to editing linguistics models we have a great collection.

Here is a quick round of up things we offer. Below is a list of free Tools that are offered from PowerBI.Tips

Color Theme Generator – Use this tool to create color pallets from HEX codes or use our color picker to select individual colors. This tool works with the Import Theme feature in power BI desktop. For more information on color themes visit the official Microsoft documentation.

Color Theme & JSON Generator – beyond just making color pallets you can modify any number of additional visual properties. This tool enables full editing of visual properties and again complies the settings down to a JSON file for import

Layouts – Get a massive jump start on creating engaging and beautiful looking reports with our ever growing library of Layouts. These are a combination of image backgrounds, buttons and interactive elements saved as PBIT files that allow you to make your reports “POP”. (We also have unbranded and expanded versions for purchase)

Scrims – These are simple downloads for creating fabulous reports. Easy to implement on existing reports or a great launching point for new reports. Download your scrim here.

No Code Custom Visuals – This is a project from the Microsoft research department. You can build highly customized visuals using a web app. Then export them and use them in Power BI Desktop. Visit https://Charts.PowerBI.Tips today to start building.

Custom Visual Gallery – Collecting some of the best visuals across the community check out this gallery of custom visuals you can download and use in your current projects.

Build Power BI Connection File – In October 2019 the Power BI team released a new file type, PBIDS. This is a Power BI connections file and can be used to help users load data from a specific data source connection. This tool makes it super easy to build this file using forms. Check it out at:

model.json Creator – Working with dataflows? Need to learn more about how to create a model.json file. This is a simple JSON creation tool that makes simple JSON files to use for loading data in dataflows.

Toolbox – Just a random collection of other great websites and training locations for Power BI content. Browse through our list of the best sites across the web for Power BI related things.

Lingo – When you really get into customizing your data model for Q&A you may want to enhance the computers understanding of verbs / nouns. The Linguistics schema of Power BI does this. Lingo is a wide open editor that helps you create custom linguistics models for your reports.