Overcoming Challenges in the Center of Excellence

Starting a center of excellence (COE) can feel daunting. We face political challenges. This article pushes to explore the challenges of a COE and some recommendations to handle these challenges.

The Importance of Attention to Detail

Microsoft does a great job in outlining the key aspects of COE. For more details on this topic check out the Fabric adoption roadmap found here. A summary of those items are in the list below:

I strongly feel that documenting the result of these conversations is a huge win. The documentation can be used to show leadership that you have a solid plan. Discussing these topics pushes towards a health data culture. Lastly, when you bring documentation to leadership you show thought of aspects that drive success.

Foundational Attributes for Success

The optics of the COE matter. COE performance and leadership are crucial, as they can impact the entire organization. Don’t underestimate the value of setting clear goals. Taking time to identify pain points with your current organization structure help with planning process for the COE.

  • Setting clear goals
  • Addressing pain points that you see, plan to solve those pain points
  • Just start, don’t worry about making the COE perfect, plan for adjustments

Sometimes I feel that people try to over plan. Therefore, read up on the best practices provided by Microsoft’s documentation, write down your decisions then get moving! I have observed just by communicating and developing the plan really creates some momentum. Bear in mind it won’t be perfect in the first iteration. Plan on being flexible to adjust the COE to the organizations needs.

Recommendations for Overcoming Challenges

  • Attention to Detail: Paying attention to aspect you can control of the COE’s performance. Engage leadership so they support the development of the COE. Remember the COE is a vote in the direction of better data culture for your company.
  • Setting Clear Goals: Defining clear goals helps the team align towards a unified direction. Address pain points that could derail or distract from the creation of the COE. Connect the success of the COE to Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) outlined by the leadership team.
  • Regular Communication with Executives: Regular communication with the executive team helps remove mis-aligned expectations. When you win let leadership know, they can promote your success. Success means more buy-in from the company.
  • Feedback: Gathering feedback and pivot. Have empath for the process and be willing to adjust. If something is not working within the COE try something new. Ask others involved in the COE for recommendations, some of the smartest people are the ones you already work with.

For more thoughts on the COE and overcoming those challenges check out our episode on the explicit measures podcast.