Tag: Folder

  • Loading Data From Folder

    Loading Data From Folder

    Let me setup a scenario for you.  You get a data file from an automated system, it has the same number of columns but the data changes for every new file.  Being the data savvy person that you are you’ve spent some time working in excel to make a template where you can copy your new data into and then automatically all your equations and graphs magically work.  You pat your self on the back and happily send out your fantastic report to everyone you know.  Then tomorrow when the data comes to you again you repeat the same process over again.  Still enamored by your awesome report, you send it out again knowing you have saved your self so much time not having to do the analysis or creation of your reports over and over again.  Now, fast forward 3 months.  That stupid report shows up again, and now you have to lug all that data from file to file and begrudgingly you sent out your report.  Thus, is the store of the analyst.  You love data, but you hate it as well.  Well in this tutorial I’ll show you how to remove some of the pain of that continual data loading process by loading new data from a folder.

    My previous post (found here) talks about loading data from a folder.  In this tutorial we will add some logic to this method that will look at a folder but only load the most recently added item from that folder.

    Data for this tutorial is located this link Monthly Data Zip File.  This data in the ZIP file is a monthly data sample from Feb 2016 to April of 2016.

    Download the zip file mentioned above and extract the Monthly Data folder down to your desktop.  Open up PowerBI Desktop and click on the Get Data button and select All on the left side.  Click on the item labeled Folder and click Connect to continue.

    Get Data from Folder
    Get Data from Folder


    Select the newly unzipped Monthly Data folder that should be on your desktop.  Click OK to continue. Upon opening that folder location you will be presented with the multiple files.  Click Edit to edit the query.

    Edit Query for Folder Load
    Edit Query for Folder Load

    Now you are in the Query Editor.  This is where the fancy query editing will work to our advantage.  We could load all the data into one large query.  However, depending on the size of your data sets or how you want to report your data this may not always be desirable.  Instead you may only want data from April, then May when the new data is sent next month.

    Thus, our first step to start pairing down the data will be to first filter the files in sequential order.  In this case because I have named the files with a Year-Month-Day format I can sort the files according to their names.

    Note:  When using PowerBI desktop it is a good practice to name the files  beginning with a YYYY-MM-DD file name.  This makes it really easy when sorting and ingesting information into PowerBI.  I have used other columns of information such as Date Accessed or Date Created before but have gotten inconsistent results as these dates can change depending on when a file was moved or copied from one place to another.

    Click the drop down next to Name and sort the files in Sort Descending.

    Name in Descending Sort
    Name in Sort Descending

    This places the files with the most recent file at the top of the list.

    File List in Descending Order
    File List in Descending Order

    Next click on the Keep Rows button on the Home ribbon, select Keep Top Rows.

    Keep Top Rows
    Keep Top Rows

    Enter the number when the popup appears.  Click OK to continue.

    Keep Top Rows Menu
    Keep Top Rows Menu

    Now you’ll notice you have only one file selected which is our latest file from April.  Click the Load File button found in the Content column.

    Load File Button
    Load File Button

    We have completed the activities in the Query Editor and can now load the data.  Click Close & Apply found on the Home ribbon.  All our April data has loaded.  by making a simple table we can now see all the data that was just loaded.

    Loaded Data from April
    Loaded Data from April

    Now we will remove some data from our desktop folder labeled monthly data.  Open the folder on the desktop labeled Monthly Data and delete the filed labeled 2016-04-01 April.  You should now have a folder labeled Monthly Data with only two files in it, one for Feb and one for March.

    Two Files Left
    Two Files Left

    Return back to Power BI Desktop and click the Refresh button on the Home ribbon.  Notice now how all our data has changed.  We are now looking at the March data because it is the most recent file in our folder based on the file name.

    March Data Load
    March Data Load

    To verify this we open the query editor (Click the Edit Queries on the Home ribbon).  Click Refresh Preview on the Home ribbon and finally select the Applied Step called Kept First Rows.  This will reveal the month of March as our data source.

    Month of March Loaded
    Month of March Loaded

    Now, every time you add a new file to our folder and refresh PowerBI the latest file (based on the naming convention we talked about earlier) will always be loaded.

    Note: This method works great when your data source is coming from an automated system.  The file format must always be the same for this to work reliability.  If the file naming convention changes, or the number of columns or location of those columns changes then the query will most likely fail.

    Good luck and thanks for following along.

  • Manually Enter Data

    Manually Enter Data

    There are often times when you need a small data set in order to make a visual behave exactly how you want it to.  This may mean you need a small table to represent a range of numbers or text values.

    Here are the Resources for this tutorial:

    • Power BI Desktop (I’m using the March 2016 version, 2.33.4337.281) download the latest version from Microsoft Here.

    To enter your own data Click the Enter Data button on the Home ribbon.

    Enter Data
    Enter Data Button

    Next you are prompted with the Create Table window.  In this window you are given the layout of a unfilled table.  To begin entering data you can click in the first cell in Column one and start entering data.  By pressing enter a new cell will populate below.  You can Rename the column by double clicking the column name.  To add a second column you Click on the symbol next to your existing column.  Finally to edit the table name you can type in the desired table name in the Name input box in the bottom left hand portion of the window.

    Create Table
    Create Table Window

    Finally, you can either to choose to Load the data as is or Edit the data to make additional changes (this can be useful to edit the data types of each column or to populate equations in subsequent columns).  For the sake of this tutorial we will simply load the data.  Click Load to load the data into the data model.

    Now drag over the columns into the page view to begin generating visuals.  By default PowerBI makes a table of data to show you the values you just entered.

    Sales Table
    Visual of Sales Table

    Select the table visual (you know it is highlighted when it has the trim boarder as shown above) and Click the Doughnut Visual.  This transforms the data into a doughnut, and who doesn’t like a nice data doughnut?  Click anywhere in the page to de-select the new doughnut visual.  Add a second table by dragging over he Region and Sales columns.  We can now see the pretty graphic and the numbers supporting that visual.

    Visuals Made with our Custom Data

    I bet you didn’t notice that something changed here.   Look closely at the data we see now vs. what we entered earlier.  Go ahead, scroll up, I’ll wait…  Did you catch it?

    We now have 5 rows of data but we entered 6 before.  That is because the Sales column is a number column and can be aggregated.  Look in the fields column and you see there is a little sum symbol in front of the Sales column.  This means that this column has a default summarization associated.  To see what is the default summarization highlight Sales by clicking on the column name in the grey area.  Then Click the ribbon titled Modeling, and there it is in the properties section the Default Summarization is Sum.  Every time you use the Sales column it will be summarized in the tables and visuals views.  Our visual table shows Brazil with a total sales of 600, because we had two Regions labeled as Brazil 500 and 100.

    Now you can click on any of the data points in the doughnut.  Notice the table automatically filters down to only show the areas you selected.

    Brazil Data
    Data Filtered to only Brazil

    ProTip: you can select multiple selections by holding down CTRL and selecting multiple items in the visual.  You can only do this inside of one visual.  As soon as you click another visual all filtering will disappear.

    Again, I hope you enjoyed this quick tutorial. If you liked it make sure you share it below.

  • Folder of Files Loaded to Power BI Desktop

    Folder of Files Loaded to Power BI Desktop

    Ok, I’ve got to be honest the first two tutorials (Loading Excel Files, Loading CSV Files) were only there to get things kicked off. Now we are getting to some of the good stuff.

    When I first saw this feature in Power Query for excel I nearly had a conniption.  My first thought is this is going to CHANGE EVERYTHING, and to be perfectly honest it has. My entire view of Excel and Power BI has been shaped by this simple but powerful idea; Automated Data Loading.

    In all my years as an engineer I would have to constantly copy and paste data from one excel file to another. Then perform some transformations just to produce a bar chart or a line graph, uggh.  This is slow and boring.  I was really good at being boring, and I felt like I was able to become quite ingenious by writing macros and automating parts of my data transformations.  Now I have seen the light,  The simple ability of being able to load a group files from a folder is AWESOME!  Had I had this feature in my engineering days I could have saved so much time.  So in true homage of my engineering roots this post is for you, the all mighty data hungry engineer.

    Alright, enough of be babbling, Lets get to it.

    Materials for this Tutorial:

    • Zip file with (3) three excel files download Data Set.
    • Power BI Desktop (I’m using the March 2016 version, 2.33.4337.281) download the latest version from Microsoft Here.

    Lets start off by downloading the Data Set and unzipping the file to a folder called DataSet.  For this demo I unzipped the files to my desktop folder.

    UnZipped Files
    Location for UnZipped Excel Files

    Next we will open up Power BI Desktop.  On the Home ribbon select the Get Data button.  The Get Data window will be presented and this time we will select the Folder icon in the menu.

    Get Data Folder
    Get Data Folder Icon Selection

    Click the Connect button at the bottom right of the screen.  A folder window will display.  This is where we will select the location of our data in the folder we unzipped earlier.  Click OK once you’ve selected the location of the folder.

    Folder Path
    Folder Path Location

    The next window to open shows the files that Power BI Desktop is able to see in the folder location.  Normally we would press Load and move forward but in this case we want to further manipulate our query to load the data.  Therefore, Click the Edit button to modify the query to load data.

    Folder Location
    View of Files in Selected Folder

    We are now in the Query Editor.  This is where we can manipulate the incoming data before we visualize it.

    Note:  The Query Editor is a graphical representation of the M-language which is used to load data.  Each button press in the Query Editor performs a transformation to your data.  Each step writes a little line of code that handles the transformations.  To see the code Click the View ribbon then click the button labeled Advance Editor.  For more documentation on the M language look at the Microsoft documentation located here.

    Here is an image of the files we loaded in from our folder location in the Query Editor.

    Query Editor
    View of Query Editor

    The next step is to combine all the files into one combined data model.  To do this click the Double Down Arrows that are circled in red on the left side in the column called content.  

    Note: I also circled the Query Settings in Red on the right.  The Query Settings window will become very useful, especially when trouble shooting a query.  You will notice as we make additional data transformations more steps will accumulate in the query settings.

    We now have a final view of all the data from each of the three CSV files.

    Data Model
    Loaded Files into the Data model

    The file needs a little clean up to remove some unwanted data rows.  Notice now that we have loaded all three files.  In each file we had a header row.  Now in our data model we have three rows with headers.  We want to use the first row as column names.  To do this, Click the Use First Row as Headers button on the Home ribbon.

    Header Row
    Use First Row as Headers

    Also, notice there are rows of data that contain the initial header rows from the other two files.

    Other Headers
    Header Rows from Other Two Files

    Now we will apply a filter to remove these rows.  Click the Arrow in the ID row.  This will present a menu.  There are various transformations on this screen, you can sort a row in Ascending, or Descending order, Filter out text items, etc…

    Filter ID Row
    Filter for ID Row

    Click Text Filters and select Does Not Equal and enter ID into the filter.  Click OK to proceed. This will add a step to remove any row that had ID listed in the ID column.

    Filter Rows
    Filter out the Text “ID” from column

    We have transformed our data and now have cleaned the data and it’s ready for use.  Click Close and Apply to load the data to the data model.  Now the data is ready for visualizations.  Thanks for following along.

    Make sure you take some time to share if you enjoyed this tutorial.