Tag: Custom Layouts

  • New Layout – One

    New Layout – One

    This layout continues to deliver fantastic visual guides to make your reports look top notch. This layout utilizes buttons for navigation without locking in the position in the layout background. We also really like how this layout uses the theme templates to change the background header color to anything you would want. The semi-circle that indicates which page you are on is a free form image and can be changed around if you want to re-arrange the pages. Our branded layout gives you 5 pages of fun, while our unbranded version throws in 10 pages and includes all 10 background .png image files to make your report building even easier.

    Features of this report

    • Free documentation provided by PowerBI.Tips included on the Report Features page
    • 10 pages of different layouts – Unbranded
    • 5 pages with navigation built with buttons in the report (Easily swap out a different background)
    • 10 PNG images of all the backgrounds to use in this report or others – Unbranded
    • Navigation dot – included icon image for complete flexibility
    • Customizable top ribbon (color of buttons and background header are can be altered with themes)
    • No PowerBI.Tips Branding on any of the main report pages – Unbranded
    One – Capabilities

    Get a feel for all the page layouts and interactions available in this report by using the below example we’ve embedded via Power BI.

    Sample of report

  • New Layout – September 2018 Blog Layout

    New Layout – September 2018 Blog Layout

    In the September 2018 blog post the Microsoft team released a new layout.  This layout has a number of really nice design elements.  However, upon reviewing the file used for this demo found here.  Upon downloading we noticed that the new style of the layout was only one page deep.  As an enhancement to this file we added all the pages, renamed all the elements and created a full PowerBI.Tips layout from this page.  We’d love to share our work with you and hope you enjoy this new layout from PowerBI.tips.

    Be sure to download your copy here:

    Demo of September 2018 Layout:

    Be sure to follow:

    If you like the content generated from PowerBI.Tips please follow me on all the social outlets to stay up to date on all the latest features and free tutorials.  Subscribe to me on YouTube.  Or follow me on the social channels, Twitter and LinkedIn where I will post all the announcements for new tutorials and content.

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  • New Layout – Splash o Red

    New Layout – Splash o Red

    First off, let me say WOW!  The announcement of Layouts was well received by the Power BI Community.  Thank you so much for the positive feedback.  So much so, that I got excited and developed another Layout, Splash o Red.

    This new layout is called contains two pages.  It uses the drill through feature to navigate from the main page to the sub page.  The demo below shows you how it works.  I hope you enjoy this new layout, you can download it here.

    To see how to load data into the Layouts check out the following video below.  It will guide you through the process.  Additionally, each layout download will contain an instructions sheet just in case.

    You can check out all the layouts here.

    [products columns=”4″ category=”Layouts”]

  • Introducing Layouts

    Introducing Layouts

    PowerBI.tips is extremely happy to be part of, and contribute to, the Power BI Community. We’re constantly trying to think of new and interesting ways we can enhance the Power BI experience for everyone by providing helpful tips & tools. Some examples of what we’ve done so far are Power BI Desktop Theme generator, and the Power BI toolbox:

    Image Link to Advanced Color Theme Generator V3

    Image Link to Advanced Color Theme Generator V3

    Today we’re happy to announce another tool that we hope you will get an immense amount of use from.



    Layouts are Power BI Template (PBIT) files that will contain layouts with visualizations already in place and only require your data to light up. We have, and will be, using as many of the visualization techniques.  We are taking some of the best layouts we’ve seen, and those we’ve developed to create these files for you. This means that you don’t have to spend any time worrying about the vast number of design techniques.  Additionally, it will save you time placing or moving things around on the report page.  All that is required of you, is to download the PBIT file, load your data, and start selecting the pre-placed visualizations.  With each layout template there will be a sample file (demo) that will show you the look and feel of each layout so you can easily choose the layout you want on each report page. You can always change the visual type with the click of a button.

    Today, we’re releasing the first of our efforts with a 3 tab layout focused on the business analyst. These layouts are designed with maximum flexibility in mind, to let you alter color themes, easily change the visualization type, and provide enough visualizations to give you a huge initial benefit. One of the best parts about the Layout is that you are not limited by our designs, they are just the starting point, you can fully customize them however you would like. We just provide you with a solid foundation to build from.

    Layouts - Basic
    Click Image to Download Layout Files

    Demo of Layouts:

    In addition to the first analyst layout, we’re releasing an Info-graphic style layout that contains some deeper interactions using Bookmarks.  However, these Layouts will be a bit more restrictive in terms of how much you can change visually.  This is due to the need to rely more heavily on other tools to create the look & feel.  Thus, you will have limits in just how much you can change. Our hope with these is to build more stunning report layouts that will maximize presentation, or help wow an audience.

    Layout - Sunset
    Click Image to Download Layout

    We are releasing layouts for the analyst, executives and still have some fun with highly stylized files. We hope you get as much use out of these new Layouts as we know we will! Over time, we will continue to develop and produce an entire library of the selections. Thanks to all of you who make this such a fun and great Community to be a part of.