PowerBI.tips is excited to announce our new tool to help you build the best looking reports, Scrims.
We’ve built out a fast and easy solution for snapping visualizations into place while giving your reports the extra special look and feel that allows your audiences to be impressed without losing focus on the important stuff. We developed Scrims to give you this shortcut to amazing looking reports
16:9 (1280 x 720) examples
What are Scrims?
A Scrim is a background image that you would use on your Power BI Report pages. Why the name Scrim? The term scrim is used in theater productions. It is a backdrop that is placed on the stage behind the actors. It adds context & engages the audience with the production. We thought this idea crosses over well with Power BI.
A scrimcan change the mood of a theater just like a well designed background image in your report. Scrims were developed to be easily adaptable to different color themes and in each set of offerings we release we’ll be providing you with as many color options as possible.
Why Do I need One?
Scrims solve several problems.
The most important problem it solves is time. As BI practitioners ourselves we know the demands that are placed on you. More often then not the visual look and feel gets the least amount of attention due to deadlines. We want all the time you invest in the data and building visuals to impress your audiences by being presented in a beautiful way.
Scrims are designed the same way we developed Layouts. By emphasizing proper design focused on the Gestalt design principles to ensure the end users experience enjoyable and non-distracting reports.
Using a Scrim you will reduce the number of objects on the page. Less elements means faster rendering reports. Here is a blog that tests this by adding more visuals to a page “More Visuals Mo Problems”. Scrims add the illusion of a very large number of objects without a negative impact.
Scrims come in a Bundle
A Scrim bundle contains a series of images that you can use in any way you want in your Power BI file. Each Scrim will have different page sizes to best suit your report needs. Every Scrim will contain a default 16 x 9 (1280 x 720) aspect ratio. Most Scrim bundles will have additional ratios such as 8 x 9 (1280 x 1440) or 4:3 (960 x 720). You will see the sizes prominently displayed for each bundle with the red tags.
8:9 (1280 x 1440) examples
Each bundle contains 6 pages minimum for each size, which means on average you will receive at least 12 pages in each bundle. Each Scrim bundle also includes the color theme that corresponds with it in JSON format to easily upload into your Power BI Report.
Thanks for your interest in our product Scrims. For more details on what is a scrim click this link to Learn More.
Download a scrim from the products page. You can access all the available scrims here.
After downloading, you will have a Zip file stored on your computer. Right Click on the zip file and Select the option Extract All from the drop down menu.
The extract compressed folder menu will appear. Click on the Extract button found in the bottom right corner of the menu.
A new folder will be extracted to the location noted in the previous menu screen. Open the newly created folder. Within this folder you will find all the images for the Scrims and a JSON theme file to use within your report.
When working with scrims it is helpful to see which image contains the the correct background layout for each of your pages. I find that it is helpful when reviewing images as Extra large icons. To turn this on, Open the View ribbon in the File Explorer. Then in the Layout window select the option titled Extra large icons.
Add Scrims to Report
Open a Power BI report in the Power BI Desktop application.
Note: Reports do not necessary have to be brand new. You can use scrims on existing reports. For illustration purposes an existing report was opened with only visuals. The remainder of this tutorial will show you how to add scrims to a pre-developed report.
Click on the Paint Roller button. Then Open up the Page background item in the menu options. Click on the option labeled Add image.
Note: for these options to appear you have to have a report open and none of the visuals selected on the page.
In the open file selection dialog box pick the scrim that you want to load. Click on Open to load the image to the report page.
The image will not initially appear. This is because the default settings for background are set incorrectly for this feature. Change the transparency to 0% and adjust the Image Fit to the drop down option of Fit.
Note: Images provided in scrims are larger than the report page pixel size. This is because in order for the images to not look blurry we have to supply a larger image. The Fit feature then scales the image back down to the report canvas size but retains a crisp and clean look.
Our report should now look similar to the following:
Add JSON Themes
Initially the visuals will not be formatted for the style of the report. We can control this by using a JSON theme file to pre-format some options for the visuals.
On the View ribbon, select the Drop Down Arrow icon. Then Select the option at the bottom of the menu titled Browse for themes…
Navigate to the scrims download folder and add the supplied theme with scrim download.
This will apply formatting for the colors and some Visual style properties.
Clean up Visuals
Next Select individual visuals and Align them to the defined areas within the scrim.
See sample image below with visuals aligned to the scrim.
Finalize Report
Apply any additional style properties for your visuals. In the below image the following settings are added for reference:
The top 4 cards are grouped and the group
The Grouped cards were applied a background of white @ 40% transparency
Labels were added to the bar charts
Unneeded axis were removed from the bar charts for clarity
White lines were added to the scatter chart for x and y axis
Then rinse wash and repeat for every other page you need to develop.
In some recent conversations the notion of minimizing the number of required visuals came up as a topic. While I know from talking with the Microsoft development team more visuals on a report page increases load time. But I haven’t been able to find any substantial numbers on how performance is impacted by increasing the visual count on a page. Spoiler alert, adding a ton of visuals to a page slows it down.
Test Set up
To begin our test I started with a know report the Microsoft September 2018 Layout. This was a good sample as it already had a number of visuals and buttons on the page. I then proceeded to create a single text box with some text in it. Then copy the text box over one hundred times. All the text boxes are placed into a single group. Grouping the text boxes allows for the ability to toggle on and off all of the visuals with a single click.
Here is the before image of the report with the text boxes turned off:
Now with all 100 text boxes turned on. Yes, not pretty I know, but it makes the point.
Conducting the Test
Now that the set up was complete we are able to use the performance analyzer to render all the visuals on the page.
To open the performance analyzer with the new modern Power BI ribbon. Navigate to the View ribbon and click on the Performance analyzer button.
With the Performance analyzer window open we Click the Start Recording button. This begins how the visuals perform when you interact with the report.
There are two options at this point to start recording data.
We can click on items on the report page
Click the Refresh visuals button to refresh the entire page
I chose option number two since I wanted a consistent method to record performance. This removes any human error by performing a sequence of clicks across the screen.
After clicking the Refresh visuals the Performance analyzer generates a ton of data that we can sift through to understand performance of the report page. You can expand on one of the visual elements to understand how many milliseconds it takes for the visual to render by function.
We can now export the data from the recording by Clicking the Export button.
For my test I ran 5 performance tests with the text boxes turned off and 5 tests with the text boxes turned off. The process was the following:
Click Start Recording
Click Refresh visuals
Click Export to extract the data, name the file for future review
Click Clear to remove all data
Go back to step 2 to Refresh visuals
Repeat process until 5 performance tests are complete
Turn on the Text boxes and repeat the process for 5 performance tests
The Test Results
Finally we can dig into the data and figure how much impact we incurred from all the visuals. After a bit of playing around with the datasets in Power Query we are able to come up with the following results.
At a high level adding the 100 extra text boxes increased the load time from 174 ms up to 3,100 ms which is a approximately a staggering 1700 % increase in load time.
Here is the detailed break down for average load times compared with and without text boxes.
There are some interesting notes here. When we added the text boxes it caused all other visuals to increase load time from 22 up to 28 % percent longer per object. Clearly the text boxes took the longest to render.
After completing this test there were a couple of observations that I felt would be best practices when building future reports.
It is important to take time to clearly label your visual elements on the report canvas. Doing so makes it easy to identify each item in the performance analyzer.
Increasing the number of visuals on a page hurts rendering performance. So think carefully about how many visuals you need to add to convey the data story you are trying to tell.
When a visual is not shown it does not impact performance rendering of the page.
A trend I am seeing is individuals are creating really long pages. Meaning the page is 1280 x 3000 or even 4000 pixels long. This is a nice feature that lets the report consumer scroll through multiple visuals. However, this has an unintended consequence adding all the extra visuals is slowing the time for the report to render. Instead of increasing the page length it would be better to control which visuals are being shown by using Bookmarks and Grouping. To learn more about bookmarks & grouping visuals visit:
Limit adding style elements such as drop shadows and visual shading images as these will increase load speeds. Instead push those types of changes down to a background image that can be placed on the page. This is the technique used in creating PowerBI.Tips layouts.
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For each visual in Power BI Desktop there is a button called Focus Mode. This feature highlights a single visual. While this can be helpful, it does remove the ability to change or adjust the visual based on filters or slicers. I’d like to introduce to you the concept of Scaling a visual.
In this tutorial we walk through how to take a collection of visuals. Then group all the visuals. Finally, control the group of visuals by hiding or showing them with bookmarks.
Check out this video tutorial on how to accomplish this within Power BI Desktop.
Tutorial Video
Download the icons and sample PBIX file at my GitHub repo.
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We do a ton of Layouts here at powerbi.tips and with the introduction of the new visual grouping feature I was looking for different ways I could utilize that functionality to make templates for different reporting scenarios. First, if you aren’t familiar with how to build a visual group, be sure to check out a blog Mike wrote on this a little while ago on the subject.
While I was exploring an idea of how I might leverage this new feature, a challenge I’d seen re-occurring in the Power BI Community forums popped to the forefront of my mind. This new feature gives a perfect solution for answering the question of Report page consolidation.
Time and again I’ve seen people talk about navigation issues related to the number of pages or tabs they have in their reports. Sometimes, particularly in embedded scenario’s, you can’t reduce the pages and break them up into smaller reports. This could already be accomplished in the past, but man oh man, good luck finding what you were looking for in the selection pane. Let me show you how easy this is to accomplish with the addition of the new visual grouping feature. By walking through these few examples you can extend this to however many pages you need following the same patterns I describe below.
On your main
page, make some room for buttons that you can create to toggle your pages
on/off. You can see I did that in the
image below.
Next we’re going to click on the top object of the selection pane and hold SHIFT + Click the last object, this will highlight all the objects.
Right click and select Group from the drop down menu.
This will
create a “Group 1”
Let’s rename this to Page 1. You can do that by Double Clicking on the group name and typing in the new name, Page 1.
Next, we’ll
create a button called “Page 1”
Select the Home ribbon, then click the icon called Buttons.
Choose a Blank button from the drop down. In the formatting pane under the visualization area choose the section titled Button Text and toggle it on, then type in Page 1.
Place the button in on the right side of the screen.
Great, now since we just created this button, let’s create a second button. This one will be for our “Page 2”. Follow the same steps above or select the Page 1 button and do a CTRL + C (copy command) / CTRL +V (paste command) to create a new button. Rename it to Page 2 and you should end up with this
Prep Additional Page
Now, here is where this gets cool. Imagine you have N number of pages, all with roughly 10 objects on each page. We are going to go to each page and condense all the objects down to a single one. Go to your second page, in the same fashion that we created our page 1 group, we select all the objects in the selection pane.
An alternative method would be to just click on your report canvas and CTRL + A to select all objects, then right click and create group. We now see our new group in the selection pane and we can double click to rename it Page 2.
Bring It Together
Now Click on the Page 2 group and hold CTRL +C to copy the group
Navigate to page 1 and CTRL + V to paste the group.
This will
bring all the objects from your Page 2, to page 1 and it will look like a giant
mess similar to this
But you know what isn’t a mess? The Selection pane! Because we created the group, all we need to do is toggle the Page 2 visual icon to off
And our page
looks normal again. Now let’s hook up the buttons and bookmarks.
Go to the View ribbon and open the Bookmarks pane.
Click the Add button at the top of the window. This will create a snapshot of the current state of the report page. Double Click the bookmark that is created and change the name to Page 1.
Now, toggle the Page 1 visual group off from the Selection Window. Then turn the visibility of Page 2 visual group to on.
Create a second bookmark. Now, change the name to Page 2. You’ll likely notice that things just aren’t aligned right (at least in my case that is true because I’m using a background.
since the visual grouping is its own object, all I need to do is select it and
all the visuals resize for me! I don’t have to individually mess around with
each one! Super cool.
The last thing we need to do is connect our buttons with our bookmarks. We Select the Page 1 button. Choose the Action in the formatting and toggle it On.
Select the Bookmark from the Type drop down. Then Select the Page 1 bookmark we created.
Repeat the same thing for Page 2. You have just created navigation buttons to the two views of your report pages.
CTRL + Click in Power BI desktop will activate the actions on the buttons. Finally, you can see that you will toggle between the report pages on the single page. WHEW!
This was possible before visual grouping, but now it is an EXTREMELY clean and efficient way to consolidate your report pages and add a ton of objects into a single page. You do have a lot of objects on the page, but don’t worry there isn’t a performance impact because they don’t render until you click the button to make them appear. You can test this out by enabling the Performance Analyzer in the View ribbon.
Visual grouping coupled with bookmark grouping have made these features fun to use and easily manageable for all. This is just a simple use case where extending the use of visual grouping to help us manage our reports better can make a world of difference as we build. I hope you enjoyed this post and that it helps you clean up any reports you may have that got a little unwieldy.
If you like the content from PowerBI.Tips, please follow us on all the social outlets to stay up to date on all the latest features and free tutorials. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel, and follow us on Twitter where we will post all the announcements for new tutorials and content. Alternatively, you can catch us on LinkedIn (Seth) LinkedIn (Mike) where we will post all the announcements for new tutorials and content.
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This post will walk through how to pull an estimated household income from a US address. It will be completed all in the Power Query Editor. We will convert this to a function to reuse on any address we want.
This is the second part in a series on free API calls. The first part demonstrated how to pull daily stock price from Yahoo! Finance, which is available here.
Note: The content in this blog was first presented at the Power Platform Summit North America on October 18th, 2019.
Introduction to the Data
We cannot get exact income of a US address, but the US census releases data which is aggregated at different groups of households (called Geography Hierarchies). There are different levels of Geography Hierarchies, explained on the census website. The lowest level of granularity available for this data is Block Groups. This is a small group of blocks, and usually consists of about a few hundred to over 1000 people. A block group is expressed as a code.
It is unlikely we will have the actual bock group code, but rather a street address. In order to retrieve information, we need to find which block group the address falls into. The first step is to convert the address into geographic coordinate, a process called Geocoding. You are probably familiar with using this feature – for example when you enter an address into a map app in order to get directions.
The census.gov website offer a free service to do this (US Census TIGER). However, in my experience the match rate (percentage of addresses geocoded) is not as good as some other services – this means that some of the addresses you enter will not be found. There are many other companies that offer Geocoding services, such as Bing, who often provide better match rates. However, these tend to come at a cost. These can be used instead, but for this example we will focus on the free US Census TIGER service.
Create an API Key
The first step will be to sign up for an API key from the census website. API keys allow organizations to monitor usage and can stop overloading their databases with requests. Some can be used to charge for paid API calls, however the census API is free and only requires an email address. If you do not work for an organization, you can write “none”.
Back in Power BI, on the home tab in Power Query, click Home, New Source, Blank Query.
In the formula bar, Paste in the API key value you received. Rename the query to P_APIKEY. This will store the API key so it can be changed, but will not set it as a parameter and require it to be entered by the user every time they use the function.
Setting up Parameters
In the power query window, under the Home ribbon, Click the bottom half of the Manage Parameters button. From the drop down Select the option New Parameter.
Name the parameter P_Address. Change the Type field to Text. Enter 15010 NE 36th St in the Current Value input box.
Repeat this step 3 more times, so you will have 4 parameters in total. Use the below table for the names and default values:
Default Value
15010 NE 36th St
Function Part 1: Geocoding
On the home tab, Click New Source > Web. Switch to the advanced tab, Then in the open dialogue box, first Click the button Add part. This will add a new box. Repeat this to add 9 web parts. Afterwards, locate the first window and Enter part 1 of the URL. In the second box, Change the abc symbol to a parameter. Fill in the boxes like below:
Note: Do not enter the rows that begin with P_ directly (rows 2,4,6,8). Switch the type to parameter and pick from the list.
This will return a result: Record. Click on the Record value to drill into it. In the convert tab, click To Table to transform to a table. We have extra information here, but we are only interested in the blockgroup data. Filter the column Name to include the following rows only: “BLKGRP” , “COUNTY”, “STATE” , “TRACT” (make sure you keep the correct columns with these exact names).
Now we have the correct columns, but for our function to waork we want them in one row. Highlight the Name column, navigate to the transform tabe and click Pivot Column. The symbol is:
Expand the Advanced Options, and change the Aggregate Value Function to Don’t Aggregate.
If you are following with the Microsoft head office, your data should look like this:
Now that we have the address geocoded, we can find out census information.
Function Part 2: Returning Household Income
To add the second API call, we can take advantage of the custom column. It is actually possible to use Power Query (M) code in the custom column. Click Add Column then Custom Column.
The code needed for the column is below. You can copy and paste this directly into the “Custom column formula” :
Breaking this code down: – Json.Document tells Power BI the value being returned is in JSON format, and to decode this to a list – Web.Contents will tell Power BI we are going to be sending a web (api) query – https://api.census.gov/data/2018/pdb/blockgroup?get=Tot_Population_CEN_2010,avg_Agg_HH_INC_ACS_12_16 is our base URL will some parameters. The parameters we’re giving are to return population and average household income -The second half of the URL takes in the location from the current row. anything in [Square Brackets] is a column. P_APIKEY is the parameter we set up earlier, that holds our API key
This will add a new column holding a list of lists. Click on the word list to drill into it
This will bring to the second level, two lists. Afterwards, Transform to a table by clicking on the “To Table” button in the ribbon, under list tools > Transform. After it is in table format, we expand the values to take them out the list. The data has two lists, the first is the column headers and the second is the values, so we need to transform a little to see the data in a nice format. Firstly, expand the values by clicking the expand button and select Extract Values.
This will expand to one column, separated by a character of our choice. I’m going to use the carat symbol (^), as I’m confident this will not be a character already in the data. To do this, change the first box to –Custom– then type in the carat symbol.
After extracting the data from the lists, we can split it into columns. We will split on the delimiter we added, the carat symbol (^). Click on Home Tab, Split Column, By Delimiter.
Same as before, change the first box to –Custom– then type in the carat symbol. Leave the default setting of “At each occurrence of the delimiter”.
Now it is split, promote the first row to headers by going to the Transform tab and use the “Use first row as headers”.
Finalizing the Function
As a result, this returns lots of columns. Highlight the Tot_Population_CEN_2010 and avg_Agg_HH_INC_ACS_12_16 column, right click and select “Remove other columns”. Rename the two columns to “Population” and “Household Income” by double clicking the column header and typing the new name. Finally, highlight both columns, enter the Transform tab and click “Detect Data Type” to convert the data type.
Optional: If you want to add the original address in, Click Add Column then Custom Column. Enter the below code, which will concatenate the address to one value. You can name the column Address.
This query uses a parameter which enables us to can convert it to a function. To do this, right click on the query in the Queries pane on the left and select make function.
Now we have a function where we can input any address and return the estimated household income, as well as population of this average is taken from(n value). To check multiple addresses, you can add your function to any list. This can be found in Add Column ribbon, then Clicking the button Invoke Custom Function. This will return a table for each row. Before expanding, it is important to handle errors, otherwise it could break the query. One option is to Right Click the column header, and select the Replace Errors option, and Type the text null.
Final Function
For those who like M code, here is the final function. You can copy and paste this directly into the advanced editor (See this article on how to do this).
Source = (P_Address as any, P_City as any, P_State as any, P_ZIP as text) => let
Source = Json.Document(Web.Contents("https://geocoding.geo.census.gov/geocoder/geographies/address?street=" & P_Address & "&city=" & P_City & "&state=" & P_State & "&zip=" & P_ZIP & "&benchmark=Public_AR_Census2010&vintage=Census2010_Census2010&layers=13&format=json")),
result = Source[result],
addressMatches = result[addressMatches],
addressMatches1 = addressMatches{0},
geographies = addressMatches1[geographies],
#"Census Blocks" = geographies[Census Blocks],
#"Census Blocks1" = #"Census Blocks"{0},
#"Converted to Table" = Record.ToTable(#"Census Blocks1"),
#"Filtered Rows1" = Table.SelectRows(#"Converted to Table", each ([Name] = "BLKGRP" or [Name] = "COUNTY" or [Name] = "STATE" or [Name] = "TRACT")),
#"Filtered Rows" = Table.SelectRows(#"Filtered Rows1", each ([Name] = "BLKGRP" or [Name] = "COUNTY" or [Name] = "STATE" or [Name] = "TRACT")),
#"Pivoted Column" = Table.Pivot(#"Filtered Rows", List.Distinct(#"Filtered Rows"[Name]), "Name", "Value"),
#"Added Custom" = Table.AddColumn(#"Pivoted Column", "Custom", each Json.Document(Web.Contents("https://api.census.gov/data/2018/pdb/blockgroup?get=State_name,County_name,Tot_Population_CEN_2010,avg_Agg_HH_INC_ACS_12_16&for=block%20group:" & [BLKGRP] & "&in=state:" & [STATE] & "%20county:" & [COUNTY] & "%20tract:" & [TRACT] & "&key=" & P_APIKEY))),
Custom = #"Added Custom"{0}[Custom],
#"Converted to Table1" = Table.FromList(Custom, Splitter.SplitByNothing(), null, null, ExtraValues.Error),
#"Extracted Values" = Table.TransformColumns(#"Converted to Table1", {"Column1", each Text.Combine(List.Transform(_, Text.From), "^"), type text}),
#"Split Column by Delimiter" = Table.SplitColumn(#"Extracted Values", "Column1", Splitter.SplitTextByDelimiter("^", QuoteStyle.Csv), {"Column1.1", "Column1.2", "Column1.3", "Column1.4", "Column1.5", "Column1.6", "Column1.7", "Column1.8"}),
#"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Split Column by Delimiter",{{"Column1.1", type text}, {"Column1.2", type text}, {"Column1.3", type text}, {"Column1.4", type text}, {"Column1.5", type text}, {"Column1.6", type text}, {"Column1.7", type text}, {"Column1.8", type text}}),
#"Promoted Headers" = Table.PromoteHeaders(#"Changed Type", [PromoteAllScalars=true]),
#"Changed Type1" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Promoted Headers",{{"State_name", type text}, {"County_name", type text}, {"Tot_Population_CEN_2010", Int64.Type}, {"avg_Agg_HH_INC_ACS_12_16", Currency.Type}, {"state", Int64.Type}, {"county", Int64.Type}, {"tract", Int64.Type}, {"block group", Int64.Type}}),
#"Removed Other Columns" = Table.SelectColumns(#"Changed Type1",{"Tot_Population_CEN_2010", "avg_Agg_HH_INC_ACS_12_16"}),
#"Renamed Columns" = Table.RenameColumns(#"Removed Other Columns",{{"Tot_Population_CEN_2010", "Population"}, {"avg_Agg_HH_INC_ACS_12_16", "Houshold Income"}})
#"Renamed Columns"
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For this week we are building a stacked bar chart on https://Charts.PowerBI.Tips. While you can build this type of chart within Power BI Desktop this video is more of an example showing how you can build a similar custom visual chart. There are two areas that i’d like to point out.
When working with a chart you can add a Legend to a shape object (2:40)
Adding a grand total requires an additional Glyph (3:14)
While these two tips are pretty simple it really does help you when building more complex custom visuals.
Watch the Tutorial
Download this Custom Visual
If you liked this visual and want to download it, head over to this repository to download.
Learn More About Custom Visuals
We have been working hard to help you learn how to make custom visuals. Check out our full YouTube Playlist to learn more about using Charts.PowerBI.Tips.
If you like the content from PowerBI.Tips please follow us on all the social outlets. Stay up to date on all the latest features and free tutorials. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel. Or follow us on the social channels, Twitter and LinkedIn where we will post all the announcements for new tutorials and content.
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This month at our Power BI User group in Milwaukee Seth and myself walk through some of the basics of Power BI. We digest how can we leverage Power BI to Act like the business, and Think like I.T. Discuss the concept of global and local measures within a data model. As well as some tips and tricks while working in the power query editor. Check out our presentation that we recorded for this month.
YouTube Video
If you like the content from PowerBI.Tips please follow us on all the social outlets. Stay up to date on all the latest features and free tutorials. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel. Or follow us on the social channels, Twitter and LinkedIn where we will post all the announcements for new tutorials and content.
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In October of 2019 Power BI released a new file type, PBIDS. The Power BI Desktop Source (PBIDS) file is a JSON object file that aids users connecting to data sources. In true PowerBI.Tips fashion we have of course, made a tool for that.
Introducing Connections
Today we release the new tool called Connections. It can be found at https://connections.powerbi.tips/ . With this tool you can use our predefined templates or customize one of your own file. To learn more about this sweet sweet JSON editing tool check out the following YouTube Video:
Technical Details
For more information on the Power BI Desktop Source file check out these links:
If you like the content from PowerBI.Tips please follow us on all the social outlets. Stay up to date on all the latest features and free tutorials. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel. Or follow us on the social channels, Twitter and LinkedIn where we will post all the announcements for new tutorials and content.
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This post will walk through how to pull daily stock price from Yahoo! Finance, then transform the data using a technique called a query branch. It will be completed all in the Power Query Editor. We will convert this to a function to reuse on any stock we want.
There are many API to pull stock information that get historical stock prices. Many come with a cost to get this information in a decent format. The technique described here is free but will require some data transformations to get the data in a usable format. The purpose is to explore parameters, web URLs and query branches to design a usable function. If you’re just interested in pulling stock information, skip to the end to grab the M code – just make sure you read the performance considerations.
Note: The content in this blog was first presented at the Power Platform Summit North America on October 18th, 2019.
Getting Started
This blog will use parameters to create functions in Power Query. Some experience using Power Query editor may be helpful, specifically: – Knowledge of tools such as merge and append queries – Familiar with query steps and the formula bar
For a detailed look at parameters or if you need to brush up, check out this post on parameters.
Before starting, you will need to ensure the formula bar in the query editor is open.
Open the Power Query Editor by Clicking the Edit Queries on the Home ribbon of Power BI desktop. Then, go to the View ribbon in the Query Editor and make sure the check box for Formula Bar is turned on.
Create the Parameter
First, Create a Parameter. This is a value that we can change and feed into our query, in this case the stock symbol.
In the power query window, under the Home ribbon, Click the bottom half of the Manage Parameters button. From the drop down Select the option New Parameter.
In the Name section, enter the text StockSymbol (without spaces – this makes it much easier to reference later). Give it a description if you like. If you share this report other people can read the description to understand what the parameter is being used for. Change the Type field to Text. Enter MSFT in the Current Value input box. By the way, MSFT is the stock symbol for Microsoft.
Making the Query
Now we have set up a parameter, we can use it to pull in some data. The data source is going to be a web URL. In Power Query editor window, Click the Home ribbon and the button Get Data. Select the item Web in the drop down. In the popup dialogue, Click on the button labeled Advanced.
You’ll notice this brings up a dialog called URL Parts. This allows us to break down the URL into parts. We can easily change individual parts of the URL using this dialog. It will then concatenate it all back together in the order it is entered. Our URL to connect to Yahoo! for a single stock will be split into three parts.
The base URL, which points us to Yahoo! Finance website and the correct data
The stock symbol, in this case will be our parameter
Our other settings (range and interval). These could also be changed in Power BI with a parameter, but we do not want to for this example
In the open dialogue box, first Click the button Add part. This will add a new box. Locate the first window and Enter part 1 of the URL. In the second box, Change the abc symbol to a parameter. Make sure Stock Symbol is selected. In the third box, enter part 3 of the URL. We’re setting the range to 5y (5 years of data) and the interval to 1d (daily). You can change these if you want at a later time.
Note: It is important to remember that Stock Symbol is a parameter – change the symbol to parameter and select from the drop down. Do not type Stock Symbol into the box.
Now Hit the button labeled OK. The request will be sent and returned to us in a JSON format.
Rename the query Stock Value. You can edit the name above the Applied Steps section on the right.
Making the Query Branch
The data returned is a little messy and not in the best format. We need to drill down and pull out the appropriate bits of information. Start by drilling down to the correct information. To drill down, Click the underlinedresult part in the following order: Chart: Record Result: List 1: Record
Your screen should look like the image below. If it doesn’t, simply delete the navigation step and start again.
Here, we are presented with three options of paths to drill down further:
Meta: holds some info about the stock, as well as the timeframe and granularity we chose Timestamp: a list of the dates in the range we selected Indicators: this holds the price information of stock
Right now, the dates and the price are in two different
lists. The price information is another layer down than the dates which makes
this more complicated. Extracting these individually would result in a list of
random prices and a big list of dates – not helpful if these two pieces of
information are not together.
To solve, we will create a Query Branch. The branch will split our query at this step into two paths. One will retrieve the dates, the other the prices. Then we will merge these branches back together to get the dates and prices in the same table.
To start this branch Right Click on the Navigation Step, then Select the option in the drop-down menu Insert Step After. This will reference the previous step and show the same data. Our newly created set is the start of the branch. Rename this new step StartBranch.
Note: the reason for this reference is that the “Navigation” step is not really a step at all. It is actually a collection of steps that Power Query editor groups together. You cannot reference “Navigation”, which will be needed later. You’ll see you cannot rename the Navigation step and if you open the advanced editor you can see the breakdown of individual steps. Another option is two perform any action after the Source step, before you drill down. This will cause Power Query to list each drill down step individually.
Branch 1: Dates
Our first branch we
will pull the dates.
Click on timestamp: List. This will drill down to a list of dates, but they are stored in a UNIX format. UNIX date format is the number of seconds past January 1, 1970 (midnight UTC/GMT), not counting leap seconds. Converting this is quite easy but will take a couple of steps.
First convert the list to a table so we can perform transformations. Click on Transform ribbon. Select the button To Table. Next, under the Add Column ribbon Click the button Custom Column. Change the name to Date and use the following formula in the formula window:
25569 + ( [Column1]/60/60/24 )
Then Select the Date column. Click the Transform ribbon. Under the Data section, Select the Date format. Note: do not select the Date/Time.
Now we have the date but need to preserve its order. This can be solved by adding an index. Go to the Add Column ribbon, Click the little Drop down on the right half of the Index Column button. Select the option From 0 from the drop down menu. Remove the column labeled Column1, as it is not needed anymore. To do this, Right Click on Column1 and select the option Remove from the drop down menu.
This finishes the branch for the dates. Rename this step EndBranchDate by Right Clicking the step in the APPLIED STEPS and Clicking rename.
Branch 2: Prices
Now we need to get the information for the stock prices. Right ClickEndDateBranch and Click the option Insert Step After to add the start of the branch. By checking the formula, we can see it says
This step is doing is referencing the step before it, EndBranchDate. It is duplicating the output of this step. We need to get back to the StartBranch step in order to start the second branch. Change the value in the formula bar from = EndBranchDate to = StartBranch.
This now loads us back to this step to drill down to the stock prices. We will use the adjusted close – this is the stock price at the end of the day after adjusting for dividends. Here we need to drill down to this information, by drilling in the following order:
Indicators: Record adjclose: List 1: Record adjclose: List
Next, Covert our list to a Table. see above for this step. Here we have the list of prices and again need to preserve the order with an index column. Go to the ribbon labeled Add Column. Click the Index Column and select From 0 in the drop down.
This is the end of this step, so Rename it EndBranchPrice.
To summarize the query so far:
Pulled the information for a MSFT stock for 5 years on a daily basis.
Drilled down to the dates, converted them to a better format and added an index to preserve order.
Revert to an earlier step.
Drilled down to the daily prices and added an index column.
Merging the Branches
This leaves two separate tables, but it is only possible to output one of these results. We will need to add a final step to merge these two branches into one table.
On the Home Ribbon, Click the drop down arrow on the Merge Queries button. Then Select the option Merge Queries. This brings up the merge screen. Merge the query with itself. On the bottom half of the merge, Select StockValue (current). Click on the Index column for both top and bottom.
Clicking OK, will merge the data to itself. This is the formula in the formula bar:
This step uses the Table.NestedJoin formula, which has 6 arguments filled in:
Table.NestedJoin(table1 as table, key1 as any, table2 as any, key2 as any, newColumnName as text, optional joinKind )
In our example, table1 and table2 is the same (EndBranchPrice). This makes sense as we joined it to itself. You will notice that when joining from the same query, the table argument references a step in that query (EndBranchPrice). We really want to join EndBranchPrice to EndBranchDate. We can simply change the second table in the formula bar to EndBranchDate:
Now, we are joining the EndBranchPrice to the step EndBranchDate. These both have a column named index that we added, which will join our data in the correct order.
Expand the merged table by Clicking the Expand button on the column name. The settings will just Select the Date and Deselect the option to Use original column name as prefix.
Remove the index column as it is not need this anymore. That completes our query with the branch.
Enabling Publish to the Service
If we want to publish this to the service (app.powerbi.com), we will need to make a small edit to our URL. The service will not allow parameters in the base URL. To get around this, we can split our URL using an option in Web.Contents called RelativePath. After Clicking on the Source in the applied steps window, Edit the URL as follows:
Make sure the brackets are correct. Here is the code you can copy and paste into the formula bar:
Now we have changed the URL, we need to make a change to the settings. This is because Power BI will try and check the base URL (https://query1.finance.yahoo.com/v8/finance/chart) before it runs the query and adds the second part in RelativePath. This isn’t a valid URL on its own, so it will fail.
To do this, publish the report to the service, and Navigate to the dataset settings. This is found in the service by Clicking the ellipsis in the top right, then the option called Settings in the drop down.
You should be in the tab called Datasets. Then Navigate to the published dataset. Under the option titled Data source credentials, next to Web, Click the option to Edit Credentials. Make sure to check the option to Skip connection test.
This query uses a parameter which enables us to can convert it to a function. To do this, right click on the query in the Queries pane on the left and select make function.
Now we have a function where we can input any stock symbol and return a list of daily prices. To check multiple stocks, you can add your function to any list of stock symbols. This can be found in Add Column ribbon. Then Clicking the button Invoke Custom Function. This will return a table for each row. Before expanding, it is important to handle errors, otherwise it could break the query. One option is to Right Click the column header, and select the Replace Errors option, and Type the text null.
Performance Considerations
While this query will quickly return single stocks, adding multiple stock will send a different query for each stock. Make sure you design the correct solution to what you are trying to achieve, and check out this article on API considerations.
Final Result
For those who like M code, here is the final function. You can copy and paste this directly into the advanced editor (See this article on how to do this).
Visually splitting the steps, the query can be visualized like this:
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